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平常用的英文句子 精选48句

1. OIC Oh, I see  哦,我知道。

2. Yo__taxi!  嗨,出租车!

3. LOL laughing out loudly  大声笑。

4. Take care!  保重!

5. Can I buy you a drink?  我能请您喝一杯吗?

6. FTF Face to face  面对面。

7. I've gotta get outta here.  我得离开这儿了。

8. I'll drink to that!  我同意!

9. This one's on me .  我请客。

10. DS Dunce smiley  笨伯。

11. IC I see  我明白。

12. I've gotta catch the bus.  我要去赶公共汽车了。

13. How did you sleep?  你睡的怎么样?

14. Give me five more minutes please。  再给我五分钟时间好吗?

15. BRB Be right back  很快回来。

16. You know what I mean?  你明白我的意思吗?

17. CUL See you later  下次再会。

18. RSVP Reply if you please  请答复。

19. CU See you  再见。

20. BF Boyfriend  男朋友。

21. Catch you later,buddy!  再见,老兄!

22. Wow! Holy cow! That's great!  哇噻!太好了!真棒!

23. Can I talk with you for a little while?  我能和您谈谈吗?

24. Do I have any messages?  有人给我留言吗?

25. IOW In other words  换句话说。

26. BBL Be back later  稍后回来。

27. What the heck is that?  究竟是怎么一回事?

28. Where to ?  (你)要去哪儿?

29. You look beautiful tonight.  今晚你看上去真美啊!

30. What do I owe you ?  我该付你多少钱?

31. Sure,no problem,right away!  没问题,马上就来!

32. PEM Privacy enhanced mail  保密邮件。

33. What are you in the mood for?  你想吃什么?

34. BTW By the way  随便说一下

35. IMHO In my humble opinion  依愚人之见。

36. Don't hog my girlfriend.  别缠着我的女朋友了!

37. I'd like to see you again sometime.  希望能再见到你。

38. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?  你想和我谈什么?

39. I want to go to  我要到地方去。

40. I am a little a bit busy right now,can we talk later?  我现在比较忙,可不可以待会儿再谈?

41. I'm not myself  我烦透了。

42. I've really had a good time tonight.  今晚我过的很开心。

43. Hey,How did your English test go?  嗨,你英语考的怎么样?

44. ASAP As soon as possible  尽快

45. WYMM Will you marry me  愿意嫁给我吗

46. Didja have a good time?  玩的开心吗?

47. HI! What's up, buddy?  嗨! 还好吗?,伙计?

48. So what you are trying to say is  那么,你想说的是

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