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美好时光的英文句子 精选87句

1. Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq.

2. it is not easy to get angry, otherwise it will be said to be low eq, smiling on the face of the heart silently read your uncle.

3. Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.

4. 幸福如喝水,冷暖自知。

5. I,——曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。

6. you don't have to be responsible for every passerby, also don't have to preach to every passerby. -- the continent by han han

7. 你是鹞子,想要飞多高就飞多高,只要你不把我这根线拉断就行。

8. don't worry too much about the present or the future. when you have actually experienced something, the landscape will not be the same as before.

9. Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns.

10. 123、突然之间、我想回到有你的从前,只是时光不愿意。

11. 最深的孤独,是你明知道自己的渴望,却得对它装聋作哑。

12. Time profound rather than shallow, please don't used to mourn rather than miss.

13. 物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。

14. 没有你的岁月里,加了糖的咖啡,也是苦的。

15. Time is not cruelty. for it we are too fragile.

16. 思绪缱绻,那些刻骨的美丽流离几世,翩翩然如秋波旖旎。

17. Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.

18. 形容童年时光的句子有哪些?童年就是生活的一杯美酒,童年就是甜蜜的梦想,童年就是我们将来的梦想。

19. ——古诗汉乐府《长歌行》白发催年老,青阳逼岁除。

20. Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock.

21. O We had a beautiful time this evening.

22. “你来的时候我向你表示欢迎,让你住在我家里。

23. 无论怎样挣扎还是逃不过它的迷障。

24. 其实,我只是一个小丑,即使我哭了,你也只是以为我在逗你开心。

25. Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.

26. 还有一些印记,印在瞳孔里,印在心尖上,时间越久,越是深刻。

27. ()随岁月,安静地如船航行,而此时,你没有什么可以逗留,脚下未曾失去踏过的痕迹,望见的也只有远方。

28. 白天总是微笑着做着一些开心的事,到了晚上才不会因为心底的小情绪,瞎难过到凌晨。

29. 瞬间,纯净的水变成了墨绿色。

30. 破碎了的感情,就像那破碎的玻璃,握得越紧伤的越深。

31. 你换了发型,换了风格,开始微笑面对每一个人,看到我时,也只是淡淡地一笑,那种陌生感真的让人心碎。

32. Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.

33. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.

34. some people should forget it, the so-called never forget, in their own eyes, is love, in each other's eyes, is boring, in the eyes of others is cheap.

35. grow up will understand, must give up a lot of want, in order to live up to everyone.

36. 在夜的最后一章,散尽了那段甜甜的香。

37. Time and chance reveal all secrets.

38. 无论你的生活是苦还是甜,你都是你自己人生的调味师。

39. 爱情可以延宕,可以流逝,可以抛弃,但爱情却永远不会泯灭。

40. 只希望三五年后,某一天我们相遇了,你能笑着告诉我,你过得很好。

41. 但我任时光荒芜,思念成城。

42. A family break allows you to spend precious time together

43. ——吴文英《思佳客·癸卯除夜》空运筹决战,图王取霸无休。

44. Time tries friends as fire tries gold.

45. 一个短暂的瞬间也有丰腴的过去。

46. 回城里的路上,我和开车的爸爸一言不发,我知道很快我们又讲分离了。

47. 现在还是只有自己知道,他们羡慕的这份爱情,其实早已支离破碎。

48. Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change.

49. 原来最难熬的是早晨的那一瞬间,发现你没有在身边,我又要开始从头接受你的离开。

50. 你写的那首关于我们的歌,最后又唱给了谁听!

51. 我没有哭,我的眼里只是进了沙子,我的世界只是少了一个她。

52. 曾经轰轰烈烈,曾经千回百转,曾经沾沾自喜,曾经柔肠寸断。到了最后,最悲哀的分手竟然是悄无声息。

53. 读着读着,眼睛湿润了。

54. S;S,toaction.不满是向上的车轮,能够载着不自满的人前进。

55. 因为不是应酬,大家不必客套,尽量尽兴就好。

56. 记忆是无花的蔷薇,永远不会败落。

57. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

58. 钟表无论转多少次,都可以回到起点,但我们不行。

59. 江山依旧年年如画,人又近黄昏,夕阳无语下苍山。

60. They had a wonderful time and so did I

61. 眉毛这样短,思念这样长。

62. 你的眼睛如宇宙,但没有半点星辰属于我。

63. Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.

64. 不让谁去触碰那些深洞,我一直隐藏得很好的伤口,只有封闭之后细菌才不会滋生太快,溃烂得才不会那么痛。

65. Don’t idle away your precious time.

66. 我真的很想把自己的心掏出看一看,看它究竟因为你承受了多少孤独,多少悲伤。

67. 和姐妹们开卧谈会,大家都那么熟了,说说暗恋的男孩子,说说刻骨铭心的伤,看看影碟,讲讲笑话,想做点从前不敢的事情就现在做,例如,我抽烟,你馋了,要一根,我给你点上,告诉你:以后不许抽呀,就这一次。

68. Music not shapes my mentality but also brings me a lot of beautiful time.

69. 我到底是经历了什么,才变成了现在这种失魂落魄的模样。

70. wonderful time

71. As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time.

72. ”我知道我瞪她时眼睛肯定是通红而可怕的。

73. Occupy your precious time, deeply thank you!

74. Time dresses the greatest wounds.

75. 其实女人很敏锐,你爱不爱她,她一眼就能分辨出来,只不过有的装傻,有的自欺欺人,有的委屈求全,有的决定和你一起演。

76. We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright.

77. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

78. 走得那么无影无踪,就像荷叶上的露珠,滑落到水里的瞬间,那么快捷那么干脆。

79. 没有人能读懂谁心里的寂寥与失落,每个走过那些年少的人,都会经历过那份跌宕起伏,谁也不能代替谁去生活、去努力。

80. My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time last night.

81. I am sorry that I have wasted you precious time.

82. It provides for more precious time for bonding.

83. 125、抬起头,流下泪,想念你,傻瓜,我们的快乐时光。

84. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

85. don't go to complain about the fickle people around, more understand some truth, some reasonable, after all, the more people live the more realistic.

86. 你可以改变自己,但你永远无法改变,那些我带给你的回忆。

87. junk food is usually very delicious, animals look very attractive.

美好时光的英文句子 精选15句

1. 躲在某一时间,想念一段时光的掌纹。

2. do not chase a horse, with the time to chase the horse grass, to the spring, there will be a group of horses for you to choose. it is more powerful to enrich yourself than to please others.

3. 小雨很伤心,等了两年,回了一趟老家,回来后就宣布她马上结婚啦,新郎不是小凯!小凯那段时间像霜打的茄子,痛不欲生,老找我们几个喝酒,喝醉就说一些:情义很轻,像风一样一吹就没有了,哪有什么永远等等酸不拉几的话,怨妇似的。

4. No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.

5. 而我说,有情人终究会守着那份约定,直到地老天荒。

6. Time and tide wait for no man.

7. ”“可能过去太久了吧……”看来他是真的不记得我了,我很是失落——这样美好的记忆怎么可以忘记呢?这时,正辉回来了。

8. 于山水间涤荡尽然铅华的灵魂,与清风起舞,与鸟儿忘怀歌唱,与花儿尽情绽放,还原一个真实、善良、快乐、自由的自己,告别繁华,告别红尘,坦荡存活于人世间。

9. eat, drink, don't worry about the mess; he who speaks but three speaks but seven beats the world.

10. Time stays not the fool's leisure.

11. 某天,你无端想起一个人,她曾让你对明天充满期许,但是却再也没有出现在你的明天里。

12. ——欧阳修《青玉案·一年春事都来几》陌上谁家年少足风流?妾拟将身嫁与一生休。

13. 你总躲在角落里哭,又总站在阳光下笑,所以没人能看穿你的快乐其实只是难过的伪装。

14. 虽然最好的时光,总是特别短,但曾有过的感动,我们都会记得。

15. Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.

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