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1. 如何用英语安慰心情不好的人

1. Pull yourself together.


2. Keep your chin up.


3. Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon.


4. Don't be so miserable!


5. Cheer up! things will work out for the best.


6. Take heart- we'll find a way out.


2. 英语作文朋友心情不好应该如何安慰他 60


we can't live wll without friends , friends to us is what water to fish . we share happiness and sorrow with each other ,

firstly,the most important thing is to stay with he or she , try to listen to her/him. as we all know , listenning to others plays a important role in this situation, it provides her/him a chance to pour her sorrow out .

secondly, help her/him to face this problem , you needn't say many words but support her/him to solve this problem by themselves.

finally, youcan invite her/he to go shopping or do other thing you usually do together .this is mainly because to shift their attention.

in a word , everybody will in bad mood ,and who is your real friends?please remenber :a friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. 英语作文朋友心情不好应该如何安慰他 60

提供大概的想法哦,其他的朋友自己再扩充吧we can't live wll without friends , friends to us is what water to fish . we share happiness and sorrow with each other ,firstly,the most important thing is to stay with he or she , try to listen to her/him. as we all know , listenning to others plays a important role in this situation, it provides her/him a chance to pour her sorrow out .secondly, help her/him to face this problem , you needn't say many words but support her/him to solve this problem by themselves.finally, youcan invite her/he to go shopping or do other thing you usually do together .this is mainly because to shift their attention.in a word , everybody will in bad mood ,and who is your real friends?please remenber :a friend in need is a friend indeed。

4. 关于中学生的心情不好 经常发脾气 写一篇安慰的英语作文

Teenagers can be moody and emotional when things don't go their ways. They can even lose their temples. It is only normal so you don't have to blame yourself too hard. Temple is like a wild animal and it goes off so quickly sometimes. It is important that you learn how to control it. When you lose your temple, you may say or do things that you will regret later. The things you say or do may hurt people, even tough you apologize later. It is like hammering nails in a fence, it will always leave marks even you can remove those nails from fence later. So, try to count ten every time you get angry or want to lose your temple by thinking if what you are going to say or do may hurt others. After all, losing temple means you don't have better way to sort out the issues.。

5. 怎么安慰心情不好的人暖心的句子

不要和别人攀比 这样你会活的很轻松, 人最大的敌人是自己。下面是学习啦网小编给大家带来的安慰人心情不好暖心的话内容,希望大家喜欢。


1) 别忧伤了,让盲目忧伤也许因为心情也许因为事业,然则都别忧伤了,忧伤一下就好,因为时间可以改动一切,假设因为心情忧伤那没需求,因为就算你忧伤了,别人知道你在忧伤么,最终累的照样盲目。假设是因为事业那也别忧伤了,加油,起劲你必定会成功。

2) 我们要切记,固然没有喜好能附上一纸担保书,照样要给自己喜好的勇气,奋力向前。关于你嘛,我想说的是……要有耐性,对峙你善解人意的长处,假设他没有心回意转,我必然还会有其他人赏识你。别因此自筑高墙,将自己与喜好阻隔。失落恋不是世上最惨痛的事,反而是最伟大的教员。它能让你的心学会坚强,让你更懂得去喜好。

3) 我觉得从你每天一睁眼开始起,你就要对自己说今天是美好的一天,不管昨天发生了什么事 毕竟昨天 成为过去,无法改变不要让昨天的烦恼影响,到今天的好心情一切从现在开始!

4) 当你工作的时候,不管任务有多繁忙,压力有多大,都不要抱怨你的工作。

5) 要喜欢上你的工作 不要带着怨气去开始一天的生活,要喜欢你的工作,一步步去完成你的工作你会很有成就感的!

6) 不要和别人攀比 这样你会活的很轻松, 人最大的敌人是自己。

7) 这句话我想你因该听过吧 所以 和别人比是没什么意思的只有和自己比。

8) 才能永远有奋斗目标 不要那别人的标准去 衡量自己啊!

9) 遇到别人不公正的评论 时候只要不伤及到个人尊严问题就让别人说去吧!

6. 我的好朋友心情不好 我怎么说 的英语作文 80个单词左右


I know you're not feeling well,but tomorrow is another day, I will be more than happy if you can share with my your sadness,and always be your listner, I'm your best friend, speak it out, then you can feel much better,真不知道这个作文具体什么心情不好,很多靠自由发挥

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