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关于婚礼的唯美长句子英文单词,英文婚礼誓言 唯美句子

关于婚礼的唯美长句子英文单词,英文婚礼誓言 唯美句子推荐阅读:

1. 翻译几个婚礼词汇句子 英语




以主题划分,就更多了,比如童话婚礼、海洋婚礼、电影主题、花语主题等From the regional division, may divide into the Chinese type wedding ceremony, the western-style wedding ceremony, China and the West convolution wedding ceremony, the Han type wedding ceremony and so on.

From the location division, may divide into in the room the wedding ceremony, the outdoors wedding ceremony (including lawn wedding ceremony, manor wedding ceremony, sand beach wedding ceremony, cruise wedding ceremony, countryside wedding ceremony, summit wedding ceremony and so on)

by the color division, but the red wedding ceremony, the white wedding ceremony, the pink color wedding ceremony, the blue color wedding ceremony and so on

by the subject division, have been more, for instance fairy tale wedding ceremony, sea wedding ceremony, movie subject, flowered language subject and so on

2. 翻译几个婚礼词汇句子 英语


从场地划分,可分为室内婚礼、户外婚礼(包括草坪婚礼、庄园婚礼、沙滩婚礼、游轮婚礼、田园婚礼、山顶婚礼等) 以颜色划分,可红色婚礼、白色婚礼、粉色婚礼、蓝色婚礼等 以主题划分,就更多了,比如童话婚礼、海洋婚礼、电影主题、花语主题等From the regional division, may divide into the Chinese type wedding ceremony, the western-style wedding ceremony, China and the West convolution wedding ceremony, the Han type wedding ceremony and so on. From the location division, may divide into in the room the wedding ceremony, the outdoors wedding ceremony (including lawn wedding ceremony, manor wedding ceremony, sand beach wedding ceremony, cruise wedding ceremony, countryside wedding ceremony, summit wedding ceremony and so on) by the color division, but the red wedding ceremony, the white wedding ceremony, the pink color wedding ceremony, the blue color wedding ceremony and so on by the subject division, have been more, for instance fairy tale wedding ceremony, sea wedding ceremony, movie subject, flowered language subject and so on。

3. 帮忙翻译几句关于描述婚礼的英语

累死了……不满意的地方可再商量When I attended the wedding I found it's far from my expectiongs. The bride and groom as well as their families and friends were sitting in a big hall, the wedding ceremony is taken charge of a compere(是主持人吧?), the bride and groom are supposed exchange rings and then kiss each other. Finally, the bride and groom will toast to their family and friends to accept their blessing.。

4. 与结婚有关的英语单词

wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

wedding reception 婚宴

register office 结婚登记处


usher 引宾员

vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓

wedding day 举行婚礼的日子

wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日

bride 新娘

bridegroom or groom 新郎

officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧师

groomsman 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服

wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚

marriage certificate 结婚证

guest 来宾

5. 请问谁能帮我搜集一下有关于婚庆的英文句子.

Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true.

And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new.

Best wishes always!



You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.


We never knew two people better suited to each other.


God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing.


May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age.


Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.


May the joy you share on your wedding day

Be the kind you'll share all along life's way.



6. 有关marry(结婚)的英语短语

marry somebody=get/be married to somebody 和某人结婚(可灵活翻译为娶、嫁)marry A to B 表示父母等长辈把A许配给B或者为B娶A作媳妇.marry into。

(通过结婚)进入。例:She's been eager to marry into a wealthy family. 她一直渴望嫁入豪门.关于marry、marriage的相关俚语和谚语等:a marriages made in heaven 姻缘天注定/比喻两个人或两件事物结合得非常好例:Strawberries and cream are a marriage made in heaven.草莓和奶酪相得益彰.marriage broker 婚姻介绍人/红娘。

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