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1. 民族团结的优美句子有哪些







2. 关于民族团结的英语作文







当 们郑重地印下这方“中国印”之时,就意味着2008年的中国北京将为全世界展现一幅“和平、友谊、进步”的壮美图画,将为全人类奏响“更快、更高、更强”的乐章。形象“舞动的北京”是这个城市的面容。

它是一种形象,展现着中华汉字所呈现出的东方思想和民族气韵;它是一种表情,传递着华夏文明所独具的人文特质和优雅品格。借中国书法之灵感,将北京的“京”字演化为舞动的人体,在挥毫间体现“新奥运” 的理念。












到北京来,共享这座城市的每份欢乐,体会这个国家的蓬勃生机。到北京来,让 们在2008年一起编织和平、美好的梦。

every emblem of the olympics tells a story. the beijing 2008 olympic games emblem "chinese seal, dancing beijing" is filled with beijing's hospitality and hopes, and carries the city's commitment to the world.milestone"dancing beijing" is a milestone of the olympics. it serves as a classic chapter of the olympic epic inscribed by the spirit of the chinese nation, calligraphed by the deeper import of the ancient civilization, and molded by the character of cathay's descendents. it is concise yet deep inside, bringing forth the city's gradual changes and development. it appears dignified yet bears a tune of romance, reflecting the nation's thoughts and emotions.in the lead up to the beijing 2008 olympics, the emblem will attract more and more people from around the world to beijing and china to join the great celebration with the chinese people.commitment"dancing beijing" is a chinese seal. it is engraved with commitment made to the olympic movement by a country that has 56 ethnic groups and a population of 1.3 billion. while witnessing the advocacy of the olympic spirit by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture, it also unfolds a future-oriented city's pursuit of the olympic ideal.it is a symbol of trust and an expression of self confidence, standing for the solemn yet sacred promise that beijing - the host city of the beijing 20。

3. 关于五十六个民族的英语诗歌

Song of national unity

Flowers planted a total of 56 basins,

A total of 56 with a bamboo root.

56 national unity of one mind,

Will be able to build beautiful flowers of the motherland.

56 brick kiln built into a room,

56 cars of ore Liancheng a furnace steel.

56 national unity of one mind,

Will be able to make our country a prosperous country










4. 英语美句 急

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is ,won't make you cry.


The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.


Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.


Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


Don't try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


MaybeGod wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to begrateful.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


5. 英语翻译1、一个国家、一个民族只有精诚团结,才能自立于世界,才

1、一个国家、一个民族只有精诚团结,才能自立于世界,才能谋求进步和发展.A nation,a race can only stand strong in this world,develop and progress only when everyone is united.2、团结就是力量,我们在各方面都需要团结.我们的大家庭更需要团结,以绽放出更加询丽的光彩.Unity is strength,and we need to unite together on all areas.Our big family needs to unite more,so we will give forth a even brighter light.3、民族团结与进步,是社会主义民族关系的主旋律,也是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容.Unity and progress of a race is the main theme of Communist Society Race Relations as well as the most important part of the building of Cummunist Society Spiritual Culture.4、让我们共同建设美好的祖国.在新疆这片祖国西部的热土上,各族人民正团结一心,共同营造着团结、稳定、繁荣的美好家园.Let us build a beautiful nation together.On this burning plain of XinJiang,all cultures unite to build an united,stable and prosperous family together.5、"弘扬民族精神,爱我锦绣中华" Carry forth the spirit of culture,and love the splendid country,China.仅供参考~天上~。

6. 关于团结的英语演讲稿

If you own a piece of drifting clouds, how can we hope to support grass; a drop of water if the isolated existence, how can a magnificent wave; a stream, if inventive, how can we embrace the vast ocean. It can be said that each individual in the world are in need of unity. Because only united can we generate power, the realization of a dream. The earth in the vast universe; human involvement in the road, unity has always been the eternal light flashes. Mount Everest was conquered not; Antarctic Pole was unable to pass through the; Maliana trench was unable to go on 。

。 Now, Everest on the interpolation of the countries all over the national flag; pole printed under the footprint of mankind; trench left our residual temperature. It can be imagined, if not climbers are mutual aid, solidarity and cooperation of scientists, explorers who work together can do so fruitful? Unity is the key to human progress. Waves in the South China Sea, Air Guard on behalf of Wang Wei, hovered over it, in order to safeguard the motherland's dignity, and left a drop of the moving plane curve; smoke filled the air, and a model for war correspondents to Iraq Shui II battlefields, in order to announce that the National People's brutal ; "SARS" outbreak, Ye Xin model into the first line, for public safety, has no regrets trippingly away; "Shenzhou VI" ascending to heaven, how many scientists for The day and night, and ultimately to achieve the dream of the Millennium. Major responsibility when the moment comes, in the face of the interests of the motherland and the people, we have no reason to retreat, unity is the only option. Reflect the kind of unity and patriotism. Solidarity with people to build a bridge between. Gun down cold Serbs and Albanians can live together in peace; extinguish fire the missile the United States and Iraq can turn hostility into friendship. All to national unity, the premise of people's happiness, what it can not be resolved? Loneliness of the Taiwan Strait more than half a century, it should be used to build a bridge of solidarity. The same for the Chinese, with Chinese root for, what does not? Solidarity is a bridge to live in peace, The clouds gather, only the hope of supporting the grass; is a blend of water to achieve the dream of a boat voyage.中文翻译: 一片云朵如果独自漂泊,怎能支撑小草的希望;一滴海水如果孤立存在,怎能呈现壮美的波浪; 一条小溪如果独辟蹊径,怎能拥抱壮阔的海洋。



可以想像,如果不是登山队员们的互帮互助,科学家们的团结协作,探险者们的共同努力,能有如此丰硕的成果吗?团结是人类进步的关键。 南海浪涛,空中卫士的代表王伟在它上空盘旋,为了维护祖国的尊严,留下了落机的动人曲线;硝烟弥漫,战地记者的楷模水均益二赴伊拉克战场,为了向全国人民公布那凶残的侵略,义无返顾;“非典”肆虐,白衣天使的典范叶欣冲向了第一线,为了公共的安全,翩然远去却无怨无悔;“神六”升天,又有多少科学工作者为之夜以继日,最终才实现了千年的梦想。



一切以民族团结,人民幸福为前提,还有什么不能解决的呢?寂寞了半个多世纪的台湾海峡,真应该用团结友爱架起一座桥。同为炎黄子孙,同为华夏根,还有什么不能实现呢?团结是和平相处的桥梁, 是云的凝聚,才支撑了小草的希望;是水的融汇才实现了行船远航的梦想。

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