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1. 大鱼海棠介绍性英语作文

All the human soul is the sea a huge fish, was born when starting from the sea shore, on the road, sometimes meet, sometimes separately, die when going to the sea shore, later turned into a a sleeping fish, after waiting for many years starting again, this journey forever will not end, life reciprocating endless [3]. Sixteenth birthday that day, living in "God around the floor in a called" Chun "girl became a dolphin to the world tour, see they are in charge of the laws of nature, accidentally trapped a net in the sea, a human boy because save her and fall into the sea dead. In order to pay a debt of gratitude, to revive the human boy, TSUBAKI need in a world of his own, after various difficulties and obstacles and help after the death of the boy's soul -- a thumb so big fish, the growth of a more enormous than the whale fish and return to earth所有人类的灵魂都是海里一条巨大的鱼,出生的时候从海的此岸出发,在路途中,有时相遇,有时分开,死的时候去到海的彼岸,之后变成一条沉睡的小鱼,等待多年后的再次出发,这个旅程永远不会结束,生命往复不息[3] 。


2. 大鱼海棠里出现的句子全部,像;有些鱼是锁不住的,因为他们属

cried when I held him for the ble ssing of the water but not for very long. The ceremony only took a few moments but looking down at Jason, I knew then and there that this was indeed a special child. It turned out my impressions were correct. Joe was an enthusiastic and devoted father to Jason and Joanna. He made sure that he spent time with his children. Time seemed of the utmost importance to him as well as having fun. He always enjoyed life and was a bit of a risk taker. He still is. I do not think I will ever think of my brother Joey without smiling and wishing I had his life. Golf was a passion that Jason and Joe shared. It was al。 It turned out my impressions were correctcried when I held him for the ble

ssing of the water but not for very long. He still is. Time seemed of the utmost importance to him as well as having fun. He always enjoyed life and was a bit of a risk taker. He made sure that he spent time with his children. Joe was an enthusiastic and devoted father to Jason and Joanna, I knew then and there that this was indeed a special child.zcaimao://e true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。


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