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1. 描写猫的英文句子

Five days of sunshine to under the chair, he got out of the body, fuzzy mat forward a build, an exaggerated due to a stretch and narrowed narrowed eyes suddenly give the aura, a loud enough for him to master guy bowel sounds true is too sweet.

Whenever night comes, cat is special spirit, it stare big round eyes kept the door of the house in mice waiting quietly for a targeted appear, cats will suddenly robot in the past will never caught, then having a delicious meal.



2. 有关动物的英语句子

a bull in a china shop

let the cat out of the bag

love me, love my dog

A bull in a china shop横冲直闯【说明】china shop是瓷器店, A bull in a china shop比喻笨拙迟钝、动辄闯祸,不求精细的人或情况,也可形容像公牛般乱闯乱撞。 【例句】 1. If he pushes me too far,sooner or later,I will barge him arround like a bull in a china shop. 如果他逼人太甚,我迟早会肆意顶撞他的。 2. Father is likea bull in a china shop when he tries to help in the kitchen. 爸爸在厨房帮忙时,往往显得笨手笨脚,越帮越忙。


3. 以《the lovely cats》为题的英语短文(不少于50个单语)

A week ago,my best friend gave me a lovely cat.I love it very much.It is special.Its fur is black not yellow.So I call it little black.It has the same taste with me.We all like eating fish.So,after it comes to my home,nearly every meal will appear fish.I like playing with it.It always makes me laugh.Every morning,it will wake me up.It brings much happiness for me.。

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