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1. 求关于“面具”的有哲理的文章或句子





延伸:面具,指遮盖全部或部分脸并有眼睛开孔的覆盖物,通常作为舞会、狂欢节或类似的节日、戏剧等的伪装 起遮挡保护作用的外罩。

2. 求男女在舞会上跳舞的优美句子

1.起舞弄清影,何似在人间?灵动,飘逸,清雅 灵动得仿若手持琵琶的飞天,飘逸得犹如漫天轻盈的雪花,清雅得就像步步生莲的仙子.轻高曼舞 载歌载舞她用她的长眉,妙目,手指,腰肢;用她髻上的花朵,腰间的褶裙;用她细碎的舞步,繁响的铃声,轻云般慢移,旋风般疾转,舞蹈出诗句里的离合悲欢。







3. 舞会以后的灰姑娘中的优美句子


Where there is kindness, there is goodness. And where there is goodness, there is magic有善良的地方就会有美德,有美德的地方就会有奇迹 —Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey. —That's a curious request. —Well,you'll have to take it with you on your way and think of me when you look at it.And when you bring it back,it means that you'll be with it.And that's what I really want. 快乐的时间太少,未曾开始已经落泪 每个女孩,心中都有一只水晶鞋 希望帮到你,谢谢。灰姑娘中其他优美句子:1、Though you are dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace.(片头主题歌词)2、Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there existed a tiny kingdom, peaceful and rich in romance and tradition. (详和,浪漫又传奇)3、And yet, through it all, (虽然饱受欺凌)Ciderella remained ever gentle and kind.4、Well, it serves you right, (活该)spoiling people's best dreams.(Ciderella用手指轻轻弹走早上吵醒她的可爱小鸟)5、After all, a dream is a wish you make when you are fast asleep. Have faith in your dream, and someday your rainbow will come smiling through.(Ciderella对可爱小鸟唱的歌词)6、Wait a minute. One at a time please. What's all the fuss about?(Ciderella要可爱小鼠们一个个说,到底发生了什么)7、Oh poor little guy, he's scared to death.(大家在鼠笼里发现新来客可爱善良胖小鼠gus)8、It's high time the prince married and settled down. If all the eligible maidens(未婚少女)happens to be at the ball(舞会),why, he is bound to take interest in one of them.(老国王要为王子选妃)9、The moment he does,(指王子对某个女孩感兴趣), with soft lights, romantic music, and all the trimmings,(美好气氛)it can't possibly fail.10、By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.(命令送达Ciderella住处,但继母阻碍她参加)11、Oh, I put my magic wand(魔棒)away. I will do the magic,believe it or not. Bibbidi-bobbidi-bo.(神仙教母变南瓜马车赶去舞会)12、His heart tells him here is the maid predestined(meant) to be his bride.(王子发现他的真命天女):Oh, this is love, this is what makes life. This is a miracle I've been dreaming of.13、My majesty,I see no point in beating around the bush.(说话不必拐弯抹角).The young lady has disappeared.(大臣向国王报告Ciderella午夜后逃离舞会)14、Should one be found upon whose foot this glass slipper fits, such maiden shall be the object of this search.(如果合脚,就是王子要找的人,小动物们救出被关的Ciderella成功试鞋)15、结束歌:No matter how your heart is grieving(痛苦),if you keep on believing, your dream will come true. --Thereafter, they live a happy life.。

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