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1. 描写蓝鲸的英语句子

The whale is the life in the sea mammal. Some whale bodies very big,the biggest body is long may amount to 30 meters. Whale's build likesthe fish, assumes 梭形. Forehead big, the eye is small, the helixcompletely degenerates. The pate is not obvious. The foreleg assumesthe fin shape, the latter extremity completely degenerates; The mosttypes carry on the back have the fin; The tail assumes the horizontalfin shape, is the main movement organ. Has the tooth or does not havethe tooth. The nostril one or two, open in the top of the head. Theadult whole body did not have the wool (to have many types only stillto preserve some wools nearby mouth). Under the skin has thick fat,may keep warm and reduce bodily the proportion. With the lung breath,namely dives into in the water after the water surface inspiration,may dive swims 10 ~ 45 minutes. Generally take the zooplankton, themollusk and the fish as the food. 胎生, the usual each embryoproduces a young, to the milk nurtures the young whale. But manyperson of minute it is the fish, in fact they are not the fish but arethe mammal. Distributes in the world various sea. The whale, the world various sea have the distribution. It is thewater roosts the mammal, with the lung breath, its type divides intotwo kinds, must the whale class, not have the tooth, has the whale tohave, nostril two, like 长须鲸, 蓝鲸, 座头鲸, 灰鲸 and soon; The toothed whales class, have the tooth, does not have the whaleto have, nostril, likes the sperm whale, 独角鲸, the killer whaleand so on. In the sea in the major part oxygen and the atmosphere 60%oxygen are floats the plant manufacture. Must the whale actually beable to extinguish floats plant's powerful enemy - zooplankton.Moreover, the toothed whales also are helpful to the maintenance fishecological equilibrium. Toothed whales' food is take the fish as thefood large-scale mollusk. Therefore in the world does not have thewhale, the humanity must perish.。

2. 用英语介绍一些关于鲸鱼习性的句子

1、The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth.Blue whales are found throughout the world's oceans. These gentle giants have grayish-blue skin with light spots. Measuring 70 to 80 feet in length, blue whales can weigh as much as 90 to 150 tons, although females are larger than the males. 2、The blue whale is the largest mammal, possibly the largest animal, to ever inhabit the earth. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised "splash guard", and the blow is tall and straight and over 20 feet (6 meters) high. Its body is smooth and relatively free of parasites, but a few barnacles attach themselves to the edge of the fluke and occasionally to the tips of the flippers and to the dorsal fin. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.。

3. 关于鲸的唯美句子

1. 它的身体好像一座山,嘴巴张开像一个火山口。有的鲸鱼背上还有一些圆圆的豆,那是它背鳍上白色的斑点,这些斑点像人的指纹一样每个个体各不相同。

2. 所有的鲸鱼背上都有一个鳃子,那是用来呼吸空气的。有些鲸鱼,眼睛好像全都是白色的,我觉得很奇怪,你们知道它的眼睛为什么像白色的吗?

3. 当鲸鱼要睡觉时,又是怎样呼吸的呢?当它们睡觉时,便要靠鲸鱼的左右脑轮流休息来动作。当左脑休息进,右脑便负责调节身体浮上水面呼吸,同样的,当右脑休息时,便轮到左脑调节身体浮上水面呼吸。

4. 鲸鱼是群集动物,它们通常成群结队的在海里生活,可是当鲸鱼呼吸时,就需要游到水面上来,这时鲸鱼是利用头上的喷水孔来呼吸,呼气时,空气中的湿气会凝结而形成我们所熟悉的喷泉状。

5. 一进门,我就看见了一条鲸鱼的骨骼。这条鲸鱼长约20米,张着一张高约一米的嘴,仿佛要把什么东西吞下去似的。全身呈头大尾尖的形状,如火箭一般。

6. 雄鹰振动翅膀,高高一跃,翱翔于蓝天;猎豹展开躯体,勇猛一跳,奔跑在草原;鲸鱼摇摆身体,缓力一涌,游荡在海洋……纵使是微渺的小草也在破泥出土,小鸟也在高声歌唱。无一生命不在拼搏,创造色彩。

7. 鲸是一种哺乳动物,是世界上存在的动物中体形最大的,不属于鱼类。鲸的祖先和牛羊的祖先一样,生活在陆地上,后来环境发生了变化,鲸的祖先就生活在靠近陆地的浅水海里。

8. 鲸在世界各海洋均有分布。它是水栖哺乳动物,用肺呼吸,其种类分为两类,须鲸类,无齿,有鲸须,鼻孔两个,有长须鲸,蓝鲸、座头鲸、灰鲸等种类;齿鲸类,有齿,无鲸须,鼻孔一个,有抹香鲸、独角鲸、虎鲸等种类。

9. 看看蔚蓝的海看看巨大的鲸,再坏的心情也会明朗

10. 海洋中绝大部分氧气和大气中60%的氧气是浮游植物制造的。须鲸却能灭浮游植物的劲敌——浮游动物。另外,齿鲸也有助于保持鱼类的生态平衡。齿鲸的食物就是以鱼为食的大型软体动物。因此世界上没有鲸,人类就会灭亡。

11. 鲸鱼是一个不同种类的幸福,在自己的世界自由自在翱翔。

12. 鲸类动物的共同特点是体温恒定,大约为35.4℃左右。皮肤裸出,没有体毛,仅吻部具有少许刚毛,没有汗腺和皮脂腺。皮下的脂肪很厚,可以保持体温并且减轻身体在水中的比重。

13. 蓝鲸用它那古老得无法想象记忆唱着生命之歌,全然没有感觉到它含在嘴中的渺小的罪恶。

14. 趁黎明将至,年龄尚可,鲸鱼还算温柔,我们一起远走吧。

15. 看似巨大的鲸,却藏着你不懂的温柔。

4. 关于鲸鱼的英语作文50子

Whale are huge animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water. Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap. Whales are also in danger from water pollution. We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales


5. 关于鲸鱼的英语作文七十词

Blue whale is the world's largest animal, the body was blue-gray. Now catch the largest blue whale to the site in the Atlantic near the Falklands. This 33.5 m long blue whale, weighing 195 tons that is much greater than its tongue elephant weighing about 3 tons of its 700 kg heart weight, lung weight 1500 kg, the total blood weight of about 8 tons to 9 tons, intestines are half a mile long. Such a large body can only live in the vast ocean. Whale is an outstanding singer in water, "singer" When push "humpback." In 1971, biologists from the United States under the sea seeking the "humpback" voice is analyzed and found a very special sound signals. The original of these "humpback" issued a series of beautiful sounds, sound mildly varying tone. These sounds continued for 30 minutes, then sing from scratch, from the cadence, to judge the degree of light sweet Man, can travel to sea whales never lost. Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead whales now, so that human beings are to be discarded, we need to protect the whales, so they continue to multiply Health habitat. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Why touch? Yes, I have here a bit information: whales, sea travel will not get lost all use of the whale is a very good person, and now a large number of dead whales, so that human beings are discarded, we need to protect whales, so that they continue to suffer from habitat reproduction. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Whales every day to sleep. Sleep, always a few heads together, and if there are sound, they scattered and went away. Whales can live for decades or a century.。

6. 描写蓝鲸的文章(英文,8句)

The blue whale is the biggest a whale in 1904, the elderly are to 1920 whaling in Antarctic waters of a female whale, long 33.58 m, weight 1.7 tons.The blue whale is the comparison in the size of the largest life on earth. From the age of dinosaurs largest known biological is a Mesozoic Argentina dragon, Argentina dragon estimated 90 tons. The biggest blue whale have multiple is uncertain. Most of the data from the 20th century, the blue whale hunt Antarctic waters by is not proficient in standard data measurement methods of animal whale measurement. The whale is the longest recorded for two female, respectively, and 33.3 meters. 3.36 But the reliability of the measurement. America's national Marine mammals laboratory scientists to measure the length of the longest for 29.9 m, whales and probably Boeing 737 or three double-decker buses.The blue whale is very big, the head of the tongue can stand 50 people. It's the heart and cars. Baby can climb over its artery, just gave birth to the blue whale cub weighs more than an adult elephant. In the first seven months of life, the whale to drink milk everyday 400 liters. The whale grows quickly, weight increased 90 kilograms every 24 hours.Because of the huge volume, we cannot directly says it's weight. Most of the blue whale hunt was not the whole head says, whale in weighing before cut it into the right size. Because of the loss of blood and other body fluids, and in this way the blue whale underestimated. Even so, 27 meters long whale record weighed 170 tons of 150 -. The scientists believe that NMML 30 meters long whale estimated more than 180 tons will. Now scientists have NMML accurate measurement of the largest weighs 177 tons. 蓝鲸是须鲸中最大的一种,最长者是1904到1920年间捕于南极海域的一头雌鲸,长33.58m,体重170吨。




美国国家海洋哺乳动物实验室的科学家测量到的最长的鲸长度为29.9米,大概和波音737或三辆双层公共汽车一样长。 蓝鲸的头非常大,舌头上能站50个人。





7. 关于鲸的唯美句子



8. 写一篇用英语写鲸,

Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. The term whale sometimes refers to all cetaceans, but more often it excludes dolphins and porpoises, which belong to suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales). This suborder also includes the sperm whale, killer whale, pilot whale, and beluga whale. The other Cetacean suborder Mysticeti (baleen whales), are filter feeders that eat small organisms caught by straining seawater through a comblike structure found in the mouth called baleen. This suborder includes the blue whale, the humpback whale, the bowhead whale and the minke whale. All Cetacea have forelimbs modified as fins, a tail with horizontal flukes, and nasal openings (blowholes) on top of the head.

Whales range in size from the blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed at 35 m (115 ft) and 136 tonnes (134 LT; 150 ST), to various pygmy species, such as the pygmy sperm whale at 3.5 m (11 ft).

Whales collectively inhabit all the world's oceans and number in the millions, with annual population growth rate estimates for various species ranging from 3-13%. For centuries, whales have been hunted for meat and as a source of raw materials. By the middle of the 20th century, however, industrial whaling had left many species seriously endangered, leading to the end of whaling in all but a few countries.



9. 鲸鱼英语作文

11月底,在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州的国王岛,大批巨头鲸和瓶鼻鲸搁浅海滩。尽管救援人员帮助不少困在海滩上的鲸鱼重返大海,还是有80多头鲸鱼在烈日下无奈死去。新华社报道如下:Up to 80 pilot whales and bottle nose dolphins died after a mass stranding on King Island off Tasmania, Australia.

The number of dead mammals is lower than that in earlier reports which said at least 100 died after they were first noticed stranded Sunday afternoon.

Rescuers on King Island have successfully herded a large pod of whales and dolphins out to sea, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) radio reported Monday.

Strand有“沙滩、海滨”的含义,作动词表示“(使)搁浅、陷入困境”,例如:The convoy was stranded in the desert.(使团在沙漠中陷入了困境。)I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends.(我被搁浅在这个陌生的城市,没有钱也没有朋友。)


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