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1. 分析英文句子成分

They are also the means 是主句

by which 通过。。。的方法

products and services 是by which从句的主句,从句实际上是products and services are rationed among buyers

that are in limited supply 是修饰products and services 的,是定语从句。


2. 20句英语句子成分分析1.Thefarmcoveredthousandsofacres.2.Don'

1.The farm covered thousands of acres.主语the farm ,谓语covered,宾语 thousands of acres2.Don't leave the water running all the time.否定结构的祈使句3.The place is worth to be visited.主语The place,谓语is,动词不定式to be visited作宾语4.Only then did I realiza I was wrong.only在句首的倒装句5.The rest of the apple is rotten.主语The rest of the apple,谓语is,宾语rotten6.I choose to go to work by bus.主语I,谓语choose,动词不定式to go to work by bus作宾语7.There are plenty of restaurants to choose from.主语There,谓语are,宾语 plenty of restaurants,动词不定式to choose from作补语8.I met her by chance.主语I,谓语met,宾语her,状语by chance9.I came across an old photo in the drawer.主语I,谓语came across,宾语an old photo,地点状语in the drawer10.The child tried to catch the teacher's eye.主语The child,谓语tried,动词不定式to catch the teacher's eye作宾语11.I intend to finish the text today.主语I,谓语intend,动词不定式to finish the text 作宾语 ,时间状语today12.She looks young considering her age.主语she,谓语looks,状语young,状语considering her age13.Carry on working while I am away.祈使句.14.To see is to belive.不定式 to see作主语,谓语is,不定式 to believe作宾语15.The worker and writer is from Wuhan.主语The worker and writer,谓语is,状语 from wuhan16.Something has gone wrong with my watch.主语Something,谓语has gone,状语wrong,with my watch状语17.They were struggling to get out of the burning car.主语they,谓语were struggling,不定式to get out of the burning car作宾语18.She did want to have what is called mobile phone.主语she,谓语did want,后面不定式是宾语,其中what is called mobile phone是宾语从句19.We think it is necessary to work hard.主语we,谓语think,后面是宾语从句20.Seeking friendship is human nature.动名词主语Seeking friendship,谓语is,宾语human nature。

3. 20句英语句子成分分析

1.The farm covered thousands of acres.

主语the farm , 谓语covered, 宾语 thousands of acres

2.Don't leave the water running all the time.


3.The place is worth to be visited.

主语The place,谓语is,动词不定式to be visited作宾语

4.Only then did I realiza I was wrong.


5.The rest of the apple is rotten.

主语The rest of the apple,谓语is,宾语rotten

6.I choose to go to work by bus.

主语I,谓语choose,动词不定式to go to work by bus作宾语

7.There are plenty of restaurants to choose from.

主语There,谓语are,宾语 plenty of restaurants,动词不定式to choose from作补语

8.I met her by chance.

主语I,谓语met, 宾语her, 状语by chance

9.I came across an old photo in the drawer.

主语I, 谓语came across, 宾语an old photo, 地点状语in the drawer

10.The child tried to catch the teacher's eye.

主语The child,谓语tried, 动词不定式to catch the teacher's eye作宾语

11.I intend to finish the text today.

主语I, 谓语intend, 动词不定式to finish the text 作宾语 , 时间状语today

12.She looks young considering her age.

主语she,谓语looks,状语young, 状语considering her age

13.Carry on working while I am away.


14.To see is to belive.

不定式 to see作主语, 谓语is, 不定式 to believe作宾语

15.The worker and writer is from Wuhan.

主语The worker and writer, 谓语is,状语 from wuhan

16.Something has gone wrong with my watch.

主语Something,谓语has gone,状语wrong, with my watch状语

17.They were struggling to get out of the burning car.

主语they,谓语were struggling, 不定式to get out of the burning car作宾语

18.She did want to have what is called mobile phone.

主语she,谓语did want, 后面不定式是宾语,其中what is called mobile phone是宾语从句

19.We think it is necessary to work hard.


20.Seeking friendship is human nature.

动名词主语Seeking friendship,谓语is,宾语human nature

4. 求几个英语句子成分分析

1.He(主) is(系) our(定) English(定) teacher(表) 2.I(主) like(谓) it(宾) very much (状)3.On the way to the zoo(状),Lily(主) laughed(谓) all the time(状) 4.It(主) is(系) my birthday(表) so my mother gives me a birthday cake(结果状语) 5.I (主)find(谓) my English teacher(宾) quite amusing(宾补) 6.I(主) live in (谓)Shanghai(宾),a city not far from Beijing(同位语) 7.The teacher(主) is(系) a very enthusiastic woman(表) called Ms Shen(表补). 8.I (主)don't know(谓) I will be bored in Ms Shen's class(宾语从句) 9.The school year(主) is divided into(谓) two semesters(宾),the first of which is from September to December(定语从句)。

5. 求分析英文句子成分:

Many water resources 是主语,are threatened 是谓语,后面的四个: faulty waste disposal, releases of industrial pollutants , fertilizer runoff and coastal influxes of saltwater into aquifers是并列的词组。

最后面这个其实是一个原因状语从句: as ground water is depleted 这里的as是“因为”的意思。这句话就是因为ground water is depleted 才有many water resourcs are threatened by。

这样你明白了吗? 分析句子成分主要看谓语就行,其余分支大多是:不定式to do形式,现在分词ing形式,介词短语诸如此类的非谓语形式。

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