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1. 用英文写一篇关于丑小鸭的作文(100词左右)

The story of an ugly duckling Only in the final from the shell of the ducklings to climb out of is so ugly, he always picks endure, being excluded by the ridicule, not only in the case of ducks, even in flocks as well. "He is too big!" Everyone says that. That turkey hung born from the feet there, so he thought he was a king. Blowing his own drum like a boat full of wind, come come back to him, staring at a pair of big eyes, blood red. This poor Duckling did not know where the stand or where to do go. He felt very sad because they look so ugly, and all the chickens and ducks have become the object of ridicule. This is the first day the situation. Was getting worse. We all have to drive this poor ducklings; even his own brothers and sisters told him angry. They always said: "You ugly monster, I hope that you captured cat to do!" So my mother said: "I hope you go far more!" Peck Cryptotaenia have him, they beat him chicks, fed domestic chickens and ducks that people who kicked him. So he escaped over the fence. Birds in the bush they flew into the air with horror. "This is because the reason I am very ugly!" Like ducklings.闭起眼睛he continued to flee. He went to a breath of the swamp is home to many ducks. He has been lying here all night, because he was very tired and frustrated. Dawn when the ducks are flying up. They looked to the new friends. "You are who you?" They asked. Ducklings look out to the side, look off to the side, as far as possible, respectfully to salute all of you. "You're ugly too much!" Mallard said. "But as long as you do not like anyone in our family to get married, this is what we倒也没great relationship." Poor little things! Did not think he should want to get married; he can only hope that they allow him to lie down on reed inside, drink swamp enough water. He lay there a full two days. Later two Yan ----- Strictly speaking, it should be said that both the public and wild, for they are the two men flying a -----. From mother to climb out of the shell where not long, so they are very naughty. "Listen, friend," They said, "You ugly too cute, even I could not help but to like you. You do a migratory bird, fly away together with us, please? Very close from here, there is a swamp There are several lovely sweet雁儿only. They are, Miss, will say: 'Ga!' You are so ugly, where they can touch your luck! " "噼!啪!" The sky a noise issue. These two public reed goose falls, the dead, the water was dyed red. "噼!啪!" Is a sound.雁儿cluster fly in from the reeds, and therefore it is up a gun sound. It was in the original large-scale hunting. Are ambush hunters around in this marsh, there are several people out of reeds and even sitting in the branches above. Blue cloud of smoke, as if filled in between these black tree, the water slowly to the distant飘去. At this time, all dogs thump thump from running around in the mud, rush and reed倒去to both sides. This is only the poor ducklings that really terrible things to come! Come out of his head, hiding in the wings. Is this time, a large hound came horrifying tightly on his side. Its tongue protruding from the mouth is very long, ugly and terrible eyes and sent the light. Its nose to the top of Little Duck's body, exposing the sharp teeth, but the thump! Thump and ran away, did not he taken away. "Ah, Thank you, God!" Little Duck relieved, "I'm ugly do not even dogs bite me!" He lay down quietly. Reed where gunfire is still ringing, and then run out of bullets to shoot to. 天快黑time around only to resume the quiet. But it is still poor Duckling did not dare to stand up. He waited for several hours, a dare to look around, and he hurried out of this swamp, desperately running to the field back and forth, back and forth to the ranch.刮着winds at this time is that he ran up very difficult. To the dark, he came to a simple farm hut. It is so dilapidated, do not even know what should be one-sided to do, there will be no reversing it. Call sign in the Little Duck winds around very much, he had no choice but to sit down and wind. The more fierce wind blowing. He suddenly saw that the door on a hinge has loosened, the door is also wrong, he can slot into the house, he went into. The house has an old woman and her cat, there is a hen, they live with. Old woman to cat abuse called "the little boy." He can carry very high arch, issued the call to Mimi; him迸出can spark, but he does so, you have to ask the anti-into his hair before. Hen the腿又only a short and small, so she called the "chicken短腿." She gave birth to the eggs very well, so the old woman loved her as his own love child. The next morning, they immediately took note of this from an unknown source, the 。

2. 丑小鸭的英语作文70词

Really very beautiful countryside . This is summer ! Golden wheat , oats is green . Hay in a green pasture The rick , stork with its long red legs out in disheveled step Lusuo speaking Egyptian words. ( Note : As far as the people of Denmark Inter legend, the stork is flying from Egypt . ) It is a language learned it from her mother there . The surrounding fields and pastures are Some large forest, the forest some deep pond. Indeed, the country is very beautiful , the sun shining an old house being Son, flowing around it a few deep creek . From the corner there until the water , all covered with large leaves of burdock . Top Leaves grow very high , children can simply standing straight below the waist . Like most dense forest , like here is very Desolate . Here are a sitting duck nest , she got to her a few ducklings are hatched . But when she has tired . Few guests to see her. Other ducks are willing to swim in the streams , and do not want to go and talk to her burdock below Days. Finally , those duck collapse one after another opened . " Slap ! Slap ! " Eggshell sounded . All yolk now Become a small animal . They have a small head sticking out . "Ga ! Ga ! " Duck said. They will follow rattle loudly cried . They look at the green leaves for the next four weeks . Mom let them try to look around , because their eyes are green for good . "The world is really big ! " These young little guy said. Indeed , compared to when they are in the egg shell , they are now In the world is really quite different. "Do you think this is the whole world ! " Mom said. "This place is extended to the other side of the garden , has been extended to animal husbandry Division of the field to go far before it ! Even I have not been to ! I think you are right here ? " She stood up ." No, I have not put you all born out of it ! Top of a large egg has only lay nothing happened. It had to lie down for how long? I really some Annoying. " Then she sat down again . "Well, what circumstances ? " One to visit her old duck asked. " This really long time egg costs ! " Sitting duck said. "It will not break you please look at something else. They really Are some of the most funny love ducklings children are like their dad - ! That bad things never see me again ! " "Let me see the egg will not break it ," the old man said, "Please believe me, this is a turkey Chicken eggs. One time I also received lie , you know, those little guys do not know how much trouble and gave me upset , because They are afraid water. There is no way I could call them in the water to try. I say bad or good , it did not help ! - Let me look at the egg it. Oops ! This is a turkey egg ! Let him lay it , even though you told the other children to swim Okay . " "I still sit on it more than a little while , " the mother duck said, "I have been sitting here for so long, is it a sit No relationship weeks. " "Then go ahead , " said the old duck . So she left. Finally this big egg cracked. " Slap ! Slap ! " Newborn cried the little guy to climb to the outside. He is big and ugly . He glanced at the mother duck . "This little duck big prohibitive ," she said, " there is no one else like him ; But he did Unlike small turkey ! Okay, we 'll come give it a try . He got into the water , and I also want him to play kick the water to go. " The next day the weather is another Qinghe , and beautiful. The sun shines on the green burdock . Mother duck with all her children went to the river Edge to . Ordinary ! She jumped into the water . " Quack ! Quack ! " She cried, the little ducks one after the jump . Flooding into their heads , but they soon cropped up again , swim very beautiful. They paddled very flexible legs . He They were all in the water, even the ugly little gray guy with them swim . "Well, he 's not a turkey ," she said , "You see his legs much more flexible plan , and how he was stable float ! He is my Biological child ! If you carefully look at him , he still looks pretty nice too . Ga ! Ga ! Come together with me , I Take you to the wide world , to introduce to you a look at the chicken farm . But you have lived close to me , so Someone stepping on you. You have to beware of the cat too ! " So they went to the farm in coming. Field sounded a terrible loud noise , because there are two families compete Won an eel head , and the result cat treat it taken away. "You see, the world is like this ! " Ya Mama said. Her mouth a little saliva flow , because she wanted to eat that Eel head. "Now use your legs now!" She said. "You come up with the spirit , if you see there 's an old Duck , you have to head down , because she is the most prestigious figures here . She has Spanish descent - because she Grow very fat. You see, there 。

3. 关于丑小鸭的英语作文120

The Ugly Duckling

One evening,the sun was just setting in with true splendor when 1)a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes.The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful.They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks.They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry.They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas.

4. 用英语表达丑小鸭的故事

The Ugly Duckling One evening, the sun was just setting in with true splendor when 1)a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful. They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks. They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry. They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas. They 2)mounted so high, so very high, and the ugly little duckling became strangely uneasy. He circled around and around in the water like a wheel, 3)craning his neck out into the air after them. Then he uttered the shriek so 4)piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. Oh, he could not forget those beautiful birds, those happy birds and as soon as they were out of sight. He 5)ducked right down to the bottom and when he came up again, he was quite beside himself. He did not know what the birds were or where'd they flew. But all the same, he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before. He did not envy them in the least. How could it occur to him even to wish to be such a marvelous beauty? He wouldn't be thankful if only the ducks would have tolerated him among them, the poor ugly creature. Early in the morning, a peasant came along and saw him, he went out onto the ice and hammered a hole in it with his heavy wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. There, it soon 6)revived. The children wanted to play with it. But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan, and the milk 7)spurted out all over the room. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. Then it flew to the butter-cask and down into the meal-tub and out again. Oh, just imagine what it looked like by this time. The woman screamed and tried to hit it with the 8)tongs, and the children 9)tumbled over one another in trying to catch it, and they screamed with laughter. By good luck, the door stood open and the duckling flew out among the bushes and the new fallen snow. And it lay there, thoroughly exhausted, but it would be too sad to mention all the privation and misery had to go through during that hard winter. When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckling was in a marsh, lying among the rushes. The larks were singing, and the beautiful spring had come. Then all at once, it raised its wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before and bore him off vigorously. Before he knew where he was, he found himself in a large garden with the apple trees were in full blossom. And the air was scentedly with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake. Oh, the spring freshness was so delicious. Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a 10)thicket. With 11)rustling feathers, they swam lightly over the water. The duckling recognized the majestic birds, and he was overcome by a strange melancholy. “I will fly to them, the royal birds, and they will hack me to pieces because I who am so ugly venture to approach them. But it won't matter. Better to be killed by them than be snacked up by the ducks, 12)pecked by the hens, or 13)spurned by the hen wife, or suffer so much misery in the winter.” So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans. They saw him and darted toward him with ruffled feathers. “Kill me, oh, kill me.” said the poor creature. And bowing his head towards the water, he awaited his death. But what did he see? Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. He was himself, a swan.。

5. 丑小鸭英语作文80词

呕心力作~《The Ugly Duckling》第一段"The Ugly Duckling” is a fairy tale(童话故事)by Danish poet and author (丹麦诗人和作者)Andersen(作者:安徒生(全名Hans Christian Andersen)). The story tells of a homely little duckling born in the depths of a forest in a countryside(介绍发生地点). The poor duckling suffers much abuse from his neighbors until, much to his delight and to the surprise of others, he turns into a graceful swan(天鹅), the most beautiful bird of all.(从第二句开始为故事简介)第二段(最喜欢的一幕)I like the beautiful and sad(凄美的) story very much .What touch me the most(感触最深的是) is the very tired ,sad and loney look of the poor little thing after running off his original home.No one understands him that he's so loney and helpless.第三段Anyway,the ugly ducklin finally becomes a beautiful swan.It tells us that we should never judge from appearance(人不可貌相)(或者从we should never开始换成a man cannot be judged by his looks, nor can the sea be measured with a bushel basket(海水不可斗量))。


6. 美丽的丑小鸭作文


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