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1. 求变形金刚的英文名字和5个句子

==AUTOBOT 博派==Optimus Prime 擎天柱Bumblebee 大黄蜂Jazz 爵士Ironhide 铁皮Ratchet 力捷==DECEPTICON 狂派==Megatron 威震天Starscream 红蜘蛛Bonecrusher 碎骨魔Blackout 眩晕Barricade 路障Frenzy 迷乱Scorponok 巨蝎怪==人类==主演:Sam Witwicky 山姆·维特维奇—— 演出:Shia LaBeout 萨·拉比Mikaela 梅卡拉—— 演出:Megan Fox梅根·福克斯Captain Lennox 兰诺斯上尉—— 演出:Josh Duhamel 乔什·杜哈梅尔其他:Bobby Bolivia 博比·玻利维亚 —— 演出:Bernie Mac 伯尼·马克 Maggie 马吉 —— 演出:Rachael Taylor 瑞切尔·泰勒 USAF Master Sgt. Epps 美国空军中士爱普斯 —— 演出:Tyrese Gibson 泰瑞兹·吉布森Keller 凯勒 —— 演出:Jon Voight 乔恩·沃伊特。

2. 关于变形金刚的英语作文 5或6句话

In my mind, <transformers 2> has great influence with every cinema in the summer vacation.

What's it about? Two years have passed since Megan Fox(人名) leant over Bumblebee's bonnet in ripped denim shorts. The Autobots(汽车人) are still on earth, working alongside the US military to protect the world from further Decepticon(霸天虎) attacks. One particularly evil Transformer – The Fallen – is masterminding a plan to destroy all the Autobots and, while he's at it, Earth. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky(人名,男主角) is starting college and Megan Fox is still wearing ripped denim shorts, except this time she's bent over a motorbike and has had something injected into her lips. It's weird. But hot.


What's good about it? Revenge of the Fallen is bigger and louder than its predecessor. There's a healthy dose of new characters. Visually, it rocks. The fight sequences are better choreographed and there's more 'expression' in the up-close shots of the Transformers' faces. Large parts of New York, Paris, Shanghai and the Egyptian desert all get blown to shit. In particular, a forest scene in which Optimus Prime (擎天柱)slugs it out with three Decepticons are awesome. As is the end sequence: the plot (and therefore the fate of the world) pivots on 'magic dust', the US army are shouting “Bring the rain!” and Megan Fox is scrambling around in white trousers while the sun sets on the pyramids, which are topped, tinsel-like, with giant shiny robots. It's just so poetically retarded.


I hope people will love it in the future. Let us expect the transformers 3 and I believe it will better than 2.

3. 变形金刚4里面的5个句子

当你仰望星辰,请将其中一颗当成我的灵魂.【When you are looking at the stars, please put the brightest star night sky as my soul】---擎天柱

因为我们没有灵魂,所以我们无所畏惧!【Because we have no soul, so we be fearless!】---惊破天

我曾发誓不伤害人类,但是如果让我知道了谁是幕后主使,他必死无疑!【I swore not to hurt people, but if you let me know who is behind the scenes, he would die!】

4. 变形金刚4里中英文台词


1.Honour to the end.荣耀到最后一刻

2.you are willing to die for him, that is leadership


4.为什么霸天虎总是那么牛逼 why do the decepicons always get the good shit

5.OP:You have no soul.

6.Galvatron: That is why I have no fear! You die for me!

7.仰望星空 满天的星辰里 你可以把其中的一颗看作我的灵魂(When you are looking at the stars, please put the brightest star shusu.org night sky as my soul)

8.we are not your technology

9.i will kill you



12.擎天柱“honor, to the end”



15.I don't care !!


17.我已然重生for i am reborn


19.你可以对我们失去信心,但绝不要失去自信( you may lose your faith in us,but never in yourself!)


5. 变形金刚有哪些英文经典台词

Optimus Prime:Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that is holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we live din harmony, but like all great power, some wanted if for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered the galaxy, hoping to find it to rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when our all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet, Earth. But we've already too late.擎天柱:在时间创生之前,就有了能量块.我们不知道它来自何方,但它有创造世界万物的力量.我们民族就是这样诞生的.有一段时间,我们和睦相处.但就像所有强大的民族,有的想用它行善,有的想用它作恶.战争就这样爆发了.我们的星球资源殆尽,被死亡吞没.能量块则失落在茫茫宇宙.我们分散在银河系四处寻找,希望找到它以重建家园.我们搜寻每一个星球,每一个世界.正在我们所有希望都将泯灭之际,我们被一个有关新发现的信息带到了一个未知的星球——地球.但我们已经太晚了.Teacher: Okay, might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not. Sleep in fear tonight. Sam?注意啦,明天可能有个突击测验,也可能没有.在恐惧中入睡吧!萨姆?Sam: Sorry, sorry. Okay, pretty good, right?什么?哦,不好意思.嗯,不错对吧?Teacher: I'd say a solid B minus[ ].我会给你一个实实在在的B减.Sam: A B minus?一个B减?Teacher: You were hawking your great-grandfather's crap in my classroom.你在我的班上卖你曾祖父的垃圾.Sam: Look, can you do me a favour?瞧,能行行好吗?Teacher: What?干吗?Sam: Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green car.您能朝窗外看一秒钟吗?看见我父亲了吗?坐在绿车里的那个?Teacher: Yeah.嗯.Sam: Okay, I'll tell you about a dream. A boy's dream. And a man's promise to that boy. He looked to me in the eyes and said: “Son, I'm gonna buy you a car. But I want you to bring me 2 thousand dollars and three As. Okay? I got the 2 thousand dollars and I got two As. Okay? Here's the dream. Your B minus, dream gone. Sir, ask yourself, what will Jesus do?那好,我要跟您讲一个梦想.一个男孩的梦想和一个男人对他的诺言.他凝视我的眼睛,说:“儿子,我要给你买一辆车.但你得给我两千块钱和三个A.我有两千块钱和两个A了,明白?一个梦想.您的B减,梦想破灭了.老师,请扪心自问,耶稣会怎么做?《变形金刚》电影经典台词中英对照Strong boy: So what are you guys doing here?你们俩来这里干嘛?Sam: We're here to climb this tree.我们来爬树.Boy: I see that…it looks fun.哦,看上去很有趣.Sam: Yeah.是啊.Boy: You know, I thought I recognize you. You tried out for the football team last year, right?知道吗,我觉得我好像在哪里见过你.你去年是不是参加过橄榄球队的竞选?Sam: Oh, no no no…That wasn't like a real try out. I was researching a book I was writing.哦,没有没有没有.那不是真正的尝试.我正为我写的书做研究.Boy: Oh yeah?哦,是吗?Sam: Yeah.对.Boy: Yeah, what's it about? Sucking in sports?哦,关于什么的?运动吗?Sam: No, it's about the link between brain damage and football. No, it's a good book.Your friends'll love it. You know, it's got maze in it and, you know, little colouring areas section, pop-up pictures. It's a lot of fun.才不是呢.是关于脑损伤和橄榄球之间的联系.别误会,这是本好书.你的朋友们一定喜欢.你看,里面有迷宫,有涂颜色小画,还有立体图片.超有趣.Lennox: Sir, we need…I need a telephone. Telephone, telephone. Yes!先生,我们要…我需要一部电话.电话,是电话!对!Man from Middle East: Telephone! Cell phone!中东人:哦,电话!手机行吗?Lennox: I don't know how to thank you! (Calling) This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to。

Do you understand? I don't have a credit card!真是不知道怎么谢谢你!(对电话)紧急呼叫五角大楼!我要你帮我…你明白吗?我没有信用卡!Middle East Operator (With accent): Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all. I'm going to ask you to speak in to the mouthpiece very clearly.中东接线员(有着中东口音):先生,这种态度不可能帮助你尽快接线.我现在要求你对话筒清楚地讲话.Lennox: I'm in the middle of war! This is frigging ridiculous.我正在打仗!这简直太离谱了!Solider: Ammo!大兵:弹药!Lennox: I need a credit card! Epps, where's your wallet?给我一张信用卡!艾普,你的钱包在哪?Epps: Pocket!口袋里!Lennox: Which pocket?!哪个?!Epps: My back pocket!后面的口袋!Lennox: You got ten pockets!你有十个!Epps: Left cheek! Left cheek! 。

6. 变形金刚里的精典语句

1、擎天柱:火种毁灭以后 ,我们的星球无法在恢复生命,但命运给了我们最好的补偿 ,让我们找到了一个新的家园,我们和人类生活在一起,藏在他们中间,但却在默默的关注他们,等待,并保护他们,我亲眼见得他们的勇敢无畏,尽管我们来自不同的世界,但是,我们都一样,原不是表面所看到的那样,我是擎天柱,我把这个信息传给了在各个星球避难的汽车人,我们在这里,我们在等待。。。。。。。。







7、擎天柱:懦夫,小人,行尸走肉,废物,败类,你杀人成瘾了 我决不放过你,不堪一击




11、山姆:你们到车里去 那里安全

父:不 现在还争什么争 你是我儿子对吧


父:你是我儿子 上阵父子兵 咱爷俩一起去

山姆:爸别说了 好吗 你们快上车 你们快上车 他那里安全 只管跑 别停下 也别躲 使劲跑 听懂了吗 一家人活着才能团聚 让我自己做该做的事情 让我去吧 必须的

母:罗恩 让他去吧












21、转轮:我的女神我的雅典娜 山姆:“他的这样了你也不生气(指转论)”






25、擎天柱:如果你们错了,有后悔药吃吗? 伦诺克少校:这个问得好


27、刹车:你长的真丑 挡泥板:我们可是双胞胎

28、希望那些F16能打准点 怎么了? 我告诉他们橘红色烟雾为打击目标 你是说橘红色的烟雾吗? 对不起,我扔得太近了 准备 跑~~!!!!!!!!

7. 求下列五部电影的经典句子


The decisive is the will of the fighter, not the number of followers.



You didn't betray me, you betray yourself.



Don't ever tried to know his end, the secret of life is to live in the present.



To buy a bigger house, will only let you from farther。



You even gain the whole world, if no one to share with you, you will feel very sad.


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